Yamaha P45 Portable Piano – Black (P45B)

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The Yamaha P45B 88-key weighted action digital piano has a contemporary design with a small footprint that allows for easy portability and storage. It features Yamaha’s AWM (Advanced Wave Memory) sampling, which uses digital technology to record an instrument’s sound. AWM Stereo Sampling creates a deeper, richer and more spacious sound by using pairs of waveforms captured with two microphones. The P45 features the Yamaha GHS Graded Hammer Standard piano action that provides a heavier touch on the lower keys, while the higher ones are more responsive to lighter playing, very similar to a traditional acoustic piano. The keyboard’s sensitivity can even be adjusted to match your playing style. MIDI Out ports get you connected to older keyboards that might have the sound you’re looking for, but lack that weighted piano touch. Use an optional MIDI interface to connect to a computer or iPad for a variety of music Apps.


  • Advanced Wave Memory Stereo Sampling
  • 10 Voices
  • 64 Note Polyphony
  • Reverb, Chorus
  • Graded Hammer Standard (GHS) weighted piano action
  • MIDI in/out
  • 1/4″ headphone output
  • Dual mode; layer two Voices
  • Simple one-button operation
  • Duo mode splits the keyboard into two halves, each with it’s own “middle C.”
  • ECO Operation saves energy by powering off after a period of inactivity
  • Included accessories: music rest, PA150 power adapter, sustain pedal
Additional information
Weight 10 kg
Dimensions 100 × 30 × 10 cm