New pianos vs second hand pianos

When buying a piano there are a few important things to consider. One question we often receive is “Should I buy a new piano or is a second hand piano suitable?” A good quality piano can have a life span of 80+ years if it has been regularly tuned and looked after. So if you come across a piano which is say 30 years old, and it is good condition, it could serve you well for another 50 years. So, whilst a good acoustic piano has such a long life it does eventually wear out if it is being played regularly. In this way, a new piano is always best. However, a new piano will cost more, sometimes 2 to 3 times the price of the equivalent second hand piano. Either way, buying from a reliable store with a good business history makes sense, as opposed to buying from a private seller without a warranty.

See New Pianos

See Used Pianos