Learning to play the piano during COVID

There’s never been a better time to learn

Many people ask ‘can I learn the piano as an adult?’. Absolutely!

At the moment, more and more adults are flocking to learn the piano – and with good reason! Learning the piano is relaxing, enjoyable, and good for the mind. Whether you choose to see a piano teacher, learn through online tutorials, or pick up a music book, here are some helpful hints to get you going:

  1. Think about your goals 

What do you want to have learned on piano once covid is over and life has returned to normal?

Here are some examples:

  • To be able to play my favorite song with confidence.
  • To master Hanon exercises
  • To be able to sing and play piano at the same time
  • To learn how to improvise/get better at improvising
  • To play piano in front of my family

Why do I want to be able to do this?

  • ‘I want to do something that is relaxing and enjoyable’
  • ‘I want to be able to play the songs I love’
  • ‘I want to have improved my technique’
  • ‘I want to start performing’
  • ‘I love the sound of piano and I’ve always wanted to play’
  1. Find the right learning tools to suit your goals

Let’s take a look at what is available online

If you want to learn jazz, why not learn from Herbie Hancock? He has created an in depth lesson series on Masterclass.


Playground sessions was co-created by music legend, and producer of Michael Jackson’s Thriller, Quincy Jones

The lessons have been created by a team of instructors, including Harry Connick, Jr.


Music learning app ‘Flowkey’ gives you everything you need to get playing piano right away. It was created in cooperation with Yamaha music, and gets you playing your favorite songs right away. For beginners, you can begin with a Beginners Course which covers the basics. Check it out here: https://app.flowkey.com/intro

If you are a beginner and prefer heading straight to YouTube, the channel ‘Easy Piano’ has a wide range of pop songs to learn.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPfDF8O9GllZ-79F76Q7LXA

Already know how to read music? Musicnotes contains over 400,000 song arrangements available to purchase and download on the spot. https://www.musicnotes.com/

These are just some of the tools that can have you starting, or continuing, your journey as a piano player.

  1. Find a teacher.

Nothing beats sitting down with a teacher, especially if you want to speed up your learning process. Ideally, you’ll be getting lessons, and using online materials as supplementary learning.

A good teacher will quickly identify your strengths and see where you need to improve. You are bound to have a lot of ‘aha!’ moments as the teacher tells you exactly what to work on.

If you’re feeling unmotivated, not progressing past a certain point, or experiencing ‘information overload’ from looking at a variety of different online tutorials without finding the best one for your needs, getting a teacher is the best thing you can do.

  1. Structure your practice

Break down your practice into meaningful chunks to ensure you are developing technique, building new skills, and strengthening existing skills.

For example, you might spend 20 minutes playing exercises from a book or app, 20 minutes on a new concept you have just learned – either in your lesson, or from an online tutorial, and 20 minutes playing whatever you like for fun.

We have a large variety of keyboards and pianos available for shipping across Australia. Feel free to get in touch with one of our friendly, experienced piano specialists on 1300 888 279, or simply connect to our live chat operator to find the best instrument for your needs. 

Part 3 – Guiding Your Child or Teenager Through Their Practice

Now that you’ve got the right instrument for your child and they’ve started lessons with a great teacher, the real journey begins!

‘Just practice what the teacher told you to practice!’this is a common sentiment, and not bad advice in and of itself – your child should always be practicing the material set for them by the teacher however, aside from teaching your child new skills and technique, a big part of the music teacher’s role is to guide their students through their practice.

You see, knowing HOW to practice, is just as important as knowing WHAT to practice. This is where you can also help at home.

Unlike needing to understand complicated equations to help your kids with their math homework, you will be able to help with their piano practice without ever needing to play a single note.

Here are a three issues to be aware of:

#1: Playing too fast

Playing fast is cool and fun, so a lot of students can’t resist the temptation to play at a high speed. The problem is, they often haven’t mastered the song they’re learning at a slower tempo. It’s common to hear a younger student fumble their way through excitedly. They’re playing fast – but they’re not playing well.

Have you ever heard a very skilled piano player? The way they glide their fingers up and down the keys so effortlessly with perfect timing and precision – that comes from years of slow, measured practice. You can’t run until you can walk.

How you can help:

Make sure you know how to use and access the metronome – encourage your child to practice at an appropriate tempo as set by the teacher. Roland’s HP and LX range have their metronome buttons easily accessible. Many Yamaha digital models have a user friendly interactive app called ‘Smart Pianist’ to control the metronome, amongst many other features.

#2 – ‘Practice is Boring’.

Learning an instrument should be challenging,rewarding, and enjoyable. Whilst learning any skill that requires practice and concentration isn’t going to be fun 100% of the time – it is important that there are moments set aside just for fun and creativity.

How you can help:

Once the material set by the teacher has been practiced for the day, there is no reason to discourage your child from exploring their creativity.

The Roland FP10 has an inbuilt jazz singing voice which a lot of kids find enjoyable. Both the Yamaha P125 and Roland F140 have built in rhythms which often provide a lot of fun.

#3 – There’s no time to practice

Life is busy. Between homework, family commitments, and extracurricular activities, it’s easy to let piano practice slip.

Fifteen minutes of practice five times a week is better than two hours once a week. Like anything that requires concentration, getting started is always the hardest part.

How you can help:

Make sure the piano is set up in a nice tidy area of the house where it looks inviting. If you have a portable model, never pack it down at night.

Keyboards are designed slimmer than ever so if space is an issue, Casio’s PXS1000 is a good option – it gained an award at the world’s largest trade show (NAMM) in 2012 for its sleek design.

In a cabinet model, the Yamaha YDPS54 and YDPS34 have a multi purpose design – they can be used as a desk when the lid is down. The Roland F140 features a slimline design that is aesthetically pleasing.

For a more traditional design, the Kawai CA59, Roland LX706, and Yamaha CLP745 are just some of the models that offer a superior playing experience at the fraction of the size of an acoustic piano.

More information on products mentioned, including videos, can be accessed by clicking the product links

Has anyone encountered these issues? Do you have any suggestions of your own? Let us know in the comments!

Part 1 – Choosing the right teacher 

Your child has come home from school and said ‘I want to learn the piano’. Fantastic!

Now it’s time to start looking for a teacher.

Learning the piano is enjoyable, challenging and rewarding. The right teacher will set up your child for years of learning as they develop skill, technique and confidence. But how do you find the right teacher? There are a few things you can do.

Have a chat with your prospective teacher about their qualifications and experience. Do you need a piano teacher who has 30+ years of experience? Would a university student who is a piano major suit your budget a little better? Consider ‘real world’ experiences. A teacher with a wealth of experience performing, touring and recording can be a great source of inspiration and motivation.

Get a feel for their personality. Personality may be the number one thing your child walks out of their lesson remembering. In a pedagogy class I took during my university studies, the lecturer asked the class ‘What do you remember about your first ever music lesson?’. The answers ranged from how the room was set up, to how the teacher scolded them (yikes!). Interestingly, everyone had clear memories of their first experience all related to the teacher’s manner and the environment, but not one person one remembered what they learned.

Consider your budget and lifestyle. Would you prefer the teacher to come to your home and teach on your piano? Do you want the lessons to happen on the weekend? Is there the option to pay weekly? Or can you purchase a multi lesson pack?

Ask the teacher about their teaching methods. It’s also worth asking if they hold recitals, how many students they are teaching, what books and other resources they use to teach.

Ask your local music store. Here at The Australian Piano Warehouse, our experienced piano staff can guide you to a number of excellent music teachers and schools in your area. We’ve all been through the process of formal music training so we understand how important it is to find the right teacher.

A common concern:

I don’t know whether they are going to lose interest after a few months.

Imagine as an adult that you decide to try something new. Perhaps you decided to get Personal Training sessions. You haven’t spent any time at the gym before, but summer is around the corner and you want to get in shape.

You get to the PT session pumped and ready. Instead, the trainer doesn’t smile much, you’re not sure why the exercises are relevant, and it wasn’t fun at all.

Little by little, you dread seeing that PT! Your motivation to jog in between sessions fades, and you care less and less about getting into shape.

Now let’s imagine you go to a different PT. This time, they are really friendly and passionate about exercise, they push and encourage you, and you always learn a little something extra.

You feel excited to see them every week as you get closer and closer to your fitness goals.

It’s EXACTLY the same with learning piano, the teacher can make or break the learning experience which is why it’s so important to find the right fit for your needs.

Now that you’ve found a great teacher, it’s time to find the right instrument. Stay tuned for the next part of this blog series.

Part 2: Choosing The Right Instrument

You may wish to start by reading Part 1 – click here

Now that you’ve decided on the right teacher, or even if you’re still in the stages of looking, it’s time to find a piano to practice on at home.

Whilst your child will be spending 30 minutes with the teacher each week, they will be spending time with the piano almost every day, so it’s important to get the one that will best help them meet their goals as they begin the journey of learning the piano.

How do I choose between two pianos of a similar price range that are different brands? 

Each brand sounds and feels a little different from one another. You don’t have to be an expert in music to have an opinion on the sound that you like, and kids often form an opinion quite quickly – even when they have only just started. There also may be certain functions that you prefer, such as the layout of the buttons or visual design.

At the Australian Piano Warehouse, we have a wide range of acoustic and digital pianos, and our piano specialists can guide you through the various options on offer to find the best one for you.

There are a few directions you can take when purchasing

  1. Acoustic Piano

If you have the space, beginning to learn on an acoustic piano from the get go is a fantastic option.

We have an impressive range of upright and grand pianos, both new and used, for you to look at in our showroom.

  1. Cabinet Style Digital

A popular choice for those who want something that looks and feels more like an acoustic piano while saving space in the home. Cabinet style digitals are available in sleek designs, and allow for the convenience of using headphones. Many models emulate the piano playing experience with features that you can find on an acoustic piano such as wooden keys and graded hammer action – this is where the keys are heavier at the bottom on the low notes and gradually get lighter as you play up the keyboard.

  1. Portable Digital

If you plan to take your keyboard out of the house, for example, when visiting family or performing, a portable digital will be the best option for you. These also work great when space in the home is extremely limited, however it’s best to always keep it set up rather than packing it down each night – it’s easier to practice when all you have to do is press the ‘on’ button! These also offer the option of using headphones, and are available in sleek, slimline designs, as well as eye popping colours. Portable digitals are also available in 88 keys and graded hammer action for a piano playing experience.

A word of guidance:

Without graded hammer action or weighted keys, (that’s when the keys feel heavy like a piano as opposed to the light feeling keys often found on smaller keyboards), you cannot develop the finger muscles and dexterity that is so vital to becoming a piano player.

I’ll just get something cheap, and if they stick with it, then I’ll upgrade to something a little bit better

If possible, especially if you are investing in lessons, I recommend getting the instrument that is not only going to get your child started, but is going to make them want to keep learning.

It takes tremendous willpower to learn music intended for the piano, on a small, unweighted keyboard.

Having said that, if the goal is to have a play with different tones and rhythms and explore creativity, perhaps something small and lightweight that offers these features is a better choice for your needs.

We are proud to offer products that suit a range of budgets, lifestyles, and purposes, so feel free to have a chat to one of our friendly specialists on our live chat who will be able to recommend some great products for you to check out.

Alternatively, feel free to give one of our stores a call, or even better, pop in store to experience the pianos and keyboards on offer at one of our showrooms!

1300 888 279 for your local Australian Piano Warehouse store!

Choosing the right digital piano for your lifestyle

By Holly Terrens (Brisbane Store)

These days it’s not just urban dwellers who are opting to go digital. Digital piano technology allows anyone from beginners to professional players to have a realistic piano playing experience with the added bonus of being able to plug in headphones, connect wirelessly to learning apps, and connect to the computer for recording. 

With so many models on offer, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start so we’ve created a no fuss guide to find the right model for you. 

Please note that just like a ‘real’ piano, each model in this guide has 88 keys and a weighted action. In order to develop your finger strength and dexterity, it’s very important to buy something with weighted keys. 

Here we go! 

‘Do you move your piano from one house to another?’ ‘Do you sometimes take it out to perform?’ ‘Do you have it set up in front of your computer?’

If you answered yes to any of these questions, take a look at the Casio PXS3000 or the Casio PXS1000. There’s a reason that these models both took home awards at the 2019 NAMM show: aside from their ivory feel keytops and realistic piano tones, they are incredibly slimline and sleek, making them a popular choice globally.

‘Are you low on space but don’t plan to take the piano outside of the house?’ ‘Do you want something with greater key protection?’ ‘Looking for the next level up in sound quality?’

This model ticks all the boxes. 

Yamaha S54 With a hard, sturdy piano folding lid to protect the keys and larger speakers, it offers next level sound quality without compromising on the overall size of the piano itself. Light enough to move around the house if you like to redecorate.  

‘I want something that looks more like a piano without blowing the bank’

Check out Casio’s AP270. This model offers a variety of beautiful piano tones cased in a beautiful cabinet style available in black, white and brown. There is also a built in lesson feature, as well as the option to connect to Casio’s Chordana Play App. 

‘I want something that looks, sounds and feels like a piano.’

Look no further than Roland’s LX700 series. 

This series has been recognized as a winner of multiple global design awards. Using Roland’s latest piano technology combined with powerful speakers, the result is an expressive, highly realistic piano playing experience. 

These models are available in store to try. Alternatively, feel free to give us a call or send a message to discuss delivery options. 

1300 888 279 for your local Australian Piano Warehouse store!

Read More – Part 2 – Click Here

Learning the piano as an adult

By Holly Terrens (Brisbane Store)

Learning the piano as an adult and learning the piano as a child are often two vastly different experiences. Whether you hated lessons as a kid, or you simply didn’t have the opportunity to learn, as an adult, you have a blank slate filled with the clear goal of learning the music you like. Hooray! 

The next two steps to consider are:

Should I get lessons or teach myself?

It’s always a great idea to get lessons to ensure you’re playing with the correct technique and not creating any long term bad habits. Like anything, working alongside an expert whose teaching method resonates with you is a surefire way to stay on track and reach your goals. 

‘Flowkey’ https://www.flowkey.com/ is also a good app to get started with as it gets you playing straight away with built in lessons. It also contains a large number of music scores across a variety of music styles and genres. Flowkey are a subscription based service however, they are currently running a promotion for new Yamaha customers who will get 3 months of premium access for free. 

If you have some experience reading music and want to get into playing all your favorite songs, https://www.musicnotes.com/ contains over 300,000 sheet music arrangements that can be purchased individually. 

What do I need to buy?

We’ve got plenty of different options to suit your budget and lifestyle. 

Feel free to visit one of our stores across Australia to play our large range of electric and acoustic pianos. If you’re a complete beginner – no problem! One of our highly experienced staff members will demonstrate the sound of the piano. Alternatively, feel free to give us a call or send us a message via our website.

Buying a digital piano for under $1500 – a complete guide on where to start

By Holly Terrens (Australian Piano Warehouse – Brisbane)

Thinking of taking up the piano? Wanting to enrol your child in piano lessons?

You may hear the basic specifications you need for an authentic piano playing experience: 88 keys and weighted action.

With so many different models on the market, the task can seem arduous however, once we break down the options, you will feel confident on the model you need to suit your budget, lifestyle and space.

Let’s take a look at four models for under the 1500-dollar mark:

Kawai KDP110

Kawai produce both acoustic and digital pianos. Their famous piano sound ‘Shigeru’ is one of four piano tones available on this model. Being a cabinet style, it looks like a piano – only much smaller, making it a beautiful and practical furniture piece for a living room, bedroom or study.


  • Powerful speaker. Unlike other models within this price range, the Kawai KDP110 boasts a 40W speaker. A powerful speaker doesn’t mean you should be playing full blast and upsetting the neighbours, instead, it means that when you have the volume set to an appropriate level, the tone will still be rich and beautiful.
  • Responsive action – exactly what one would want in their piano playing experience.
  • Great value for money with the piano stool included.
  • Shigeru piano tone.

Roland F140

The Roland F140 is an excellent choice for those wanting a home style piano that is slimmer than a cabinet, and sleeker than a portable piano. Roland use an ‘Ivory Feel’ key. This means that when the key is touched it feels like wood, rather than plastic, for an authentic piano playing experience. It comes in both black and white.


  • Slim line design – perfect for smaller spaces.
  • Great value for money with a piano stool included.
  • Folding bench to protect from dust.

Roland FP30

Unlike Yamaha and Kawai who manufacture acoustic pianos, Roland only make digital instruments – in fact many electronic sounds you hear on the radio today come from Roland’s technology! They continue to pioneer with their digital technology, making them an excellent choice for beginners and professionals alike.

This is a portable model, making it a good fit for someone who might be considering taking the piano out in the car to gigs, or kids taking it between homes. There is also the option to buy a fixed stand and/or a three-pedal unit (the same pedals you see on an acoustic piano).


  • Just like the F140, the FP30 uses Roland’s Ivory Feel key.
  • Is portable, with the option of adding a fixed stand and pedals
  • Roland have a variety of apps for music learning and making which can be used with this model (as well as the F140). To find out more information, visit www.roland.com/au/categories/apps

Yamaha P125

The P125 is another great portable option. Yamaha don’t use an ‘Ivory Feel’ key like Roland, however the action itself feels good to play and some people even prefer the feeling of a plastic key rather than the ‘Ivory Feel’. The piano is very easy to control with different tones, metronome, record function, and rhythms ready to go with the touch of a button.

An amazing reason to choose Yamaha would be because of their new app called Flowkey. The subscription-based service is available to Yamaha customers and free for three months. Here is where you can learn notes, chords and everything you need to get started playing music that you love. Flowkey also contains numerous scores for beginners and established players alike. From pop, to classical, you’ll be playing your favourite songs in no time! Check it out on www.flowkey.com


  • Especially for an adult learner not planning to get piano lessons, Flowkey is an amazing learning tool.
  • Action feels good to play.
  • A fixed stand and pedals can also be purchased.

It’s always best to see the piano in person to get a feel for the sound and size. Even if you haven’t been playing for long, it’s still a good idea to sit down in front of the piano and play around with the controls and feel the action, after all, you’re about to begin a long journey with your new instrument!


The Australian Piano Warehouse difference

Every new Yamaha piano is carefully and professionally prepared for each customer by a Yamaha approved qualified technician. These specialist piano tuners have passed all the necessary training and have many years’ experience in the correct preparation of a new Yamaha piano. Often, they have travelled to the factory in Japan for their final training and tests.

before the new piano can receive its final tuning the technician meticulously will tap down all the strings onto the bridge to settle and bed them.  The result is a more stable first tuning and increased permanence for each tuning thereafter. You can see in the photo our tuner using the custom tool made of brass so the string can’t be damaged in the process.

Amazingly, there are 24 check points in the preparation of a new Yamaha before it can be delivered to its new home, this can take many hours to complete.  With guaranteed confidence your new Yamaha piano will arrive to the home ready for players to start enjoying it straight away. After a period of approximately 6-8 weeks the professional technician will visit your home and give the instrument a second tuning, meet the new owners and establish an on-going relationship for annual tunings. This is the final stage of the installation process ensuring a beautiful sounding and performing instrument for years to come.

We invite you to our Milton showroom to see and hear the difference in a professionally prepared Yamaha acoustic piano.

The Yamaha Arius YDP144 and YDP164 models, and how they compare to Clavinova CLP625.

If you’re looking for a digital piano for your home, you might like to look past portable digital pianos and consider a cabinet-style piano. These pianos offer the same features as most digital pianos, look more integrated with the rest of your home furniture. There’s also the benefit of not having to buy the stand and pedals & bench separately–they’re already included in the package! In this blog post, we’ll be looking at the entry level Yamaha cabinet-style pianos and the differences between the Yamaha Arius YDP144 and YDP164, and how these two compare to the starting model of the CLP series, the CLP625. 

The Arius YDP models are a popular choice for affordability while offering a sleek design and weighted action. But there are several differences between the YDP144 and YDP164 that you might need to consider when choosing your piano. 

In terms of sound, both pianos offer 10 different voices and 3 grand piano sounds: the Yamaha CFX grand piano, the mellow piano, and the pop grand piano. The CFX sound is a newer addition to the Arius series, allowing the pianos to have a much richer, more expressive sound. The 192-note polyphony adds to the resonance as well. But the defining factor in the different sounds between the pianos is the speaker size and power–the YDP144 has an 8 watt power system and two speakers overall at 12cm each, making it 16 watts of power overall. Alternatively, the YDP164 features a 20 wattage speaker system for a total of 40 watts. This makes a huge difference in the quality and depth of sound, especially if your piano is going in a larger living room space. 

Another key factor to consider is the difference in touch between the pianos. The YDP144 offers the Graded Hammer Standard action. While this is a fully weighted keyboard and is quite pleasant to play, it is the same as the action in the P125, a portable, entry-level digital piano. The YDP164 has the Graded Hammer 3 key action, which has a 3 sensor setup. This means you have far more range of expression in your playing, as opposed to the 2 sensor set up of the YDP144. A realistic, sensitive key action is essential to learning to play the piano with correct technique and expression, and will be far more satisfying to an experienced player. The YDP164 also comes with simulated ebony and ivory keytops, providing extra grip to your fingers as you practise. 

Both of these excellent pianos are compatible with the Yamaha Smart Pianist app, where you can further explore ways to customise your piano sound and space, as well as playing along to backing tracks, chord sheets, and musical scores. 

If you’re looking for something better yet, the Clavinova CLP series might interest you for even greater longevity and enjoyment. While a beginning player might not notice subtleties in touch, an experienced player is likely to pick this up quickly. This is the key difference between the Arius and Clavinova series. A good piano action helps with the development of proper piano technique, especially important for sound production on an acoustic piano and reducing risk of injury. If your digital piano is your main practise instrument, you want there to be as little discrepancy as possible for when you play on an acoustic. The CLP625 has the Graded Hammer 3X action, far more authentic feeling than any of the pianos in the Arius range.
The CLP625 also includes the CFX and Bösendorfer Imperial grand piano sounds. The Bösendorfer has a powerful but mellow sound, making it perfect for playing Romantic music such as Debussy or Chopin. The CLP625 has the same wattage power as the YDP164, but there’s added resonance with the improved 256-note polyphony. 

Choosing a cabinet-style digital piano tends to require more consideration since it is a more permanent part of your home space. Also they are closer to acoustic pianos in sound, quality, feel and set up, so authenticity of tone and touch is crucial in the decision making process. 

Australian Piano Warehouse | SYDNEY

Yamaha P45 vs P125

If you’re in the market for an entry-level digital piano, you’ve probably already come across the Yamaha P45 or P125, both amongst some of the most popular models of portable digital pianos.Whether you’re buying a first piano for your beginning child, or you’re an experienced pianist in need of a practice piano, the Yamaha P-series is a worthwhile consideration. But what are the differences between the two pianos, and why would you pay for the upgrade?

Both the P45 and P125 have the full 88-keys and weighted action. They are both programmed to have the dynamic Yamaha sound. They are also compact and lightweight pianos, both weighing just under twelve kilograms, so they are convenient for small spaces or if you need to move the piano around regularly.

Yet there are a few key differences that you may want to consider.

First of all, the P125 has an improved sound engine, featuring the Yamaha CFIIIS concert grand piano sampling. The P45 uses the Advanced Wave Memory sampling, which is perfectly adequate, but slightly less impressive. While the pianos both feel the same, the playing experience is ultimately more satisfying on the P125 with its improved sound samples and superior speaker system. There is also a much higher polyphony on the P125–195 notes are able to sound at once before notes start ‘dropping,’ compared to 42 on the P45, resulting in a richer, more resonant sound. This is why we would normally recommend the P125 for more experienced players, or if you’re looking for more longevity out of your beginning instrument.

In terms of features, the P125 also has added benefits. You can record on the piano and transfer the file to an electronic device. You also have access to the Yamaha Smart Pianist app, which is very useful for learning music and further customising the sound of your piano. The

P125 has 24 voices, as opposed to the P45’s 10, and it also has a stereo and PA output, making it perfect for gigging musicians. Another benefit of the P125 is its setup–it’s compatible with a fixed stand and the full three pedals, necessary for players wanting extra dimension and expression in their playing.

The P45 doesn’t have the same set up, but if you find yourself unsatisfied with the included pedal as you progress in your playing, you can plug in an additional sustain pedal that has more control, like the sustain pedal on an acoustic piano. The P45 also has an inbuilt metronome, so if your goal is mainly to practise piano, rather than recording and using different sounds and features, the P45 might be your preferred choice, also keeping in mind the question of longevity and playing satisfaction.

Both the P45 and P125 are great digital instruments, whether you’re a beginner or a professional pianist, or in between. But one of the biggest factors in choosing a piano is not just your current playing ability, but what it may become.

The P45 and P125 are readily on display in all our stores for you to experience and enjoy.

Beware of second rate imitators!

Some of our customers have recently told us they’ve been a bit confused and even felt misled by another retailer using a similar name and brand to ours in NSW.

At Australian Piano Warehouse we always welcome healthy competition. We pride ourselves on offering the best value in Australia with warehouse direct prices, and if retailers competing against each other results in an even better deal for you the customer, we’re happy to compete with the best of them. In fact, we’ve based our entire business on doing just that, offering a bigger range, better advice, and lower prices than anyone in Australia with our innovative ‘direct to you’ warehouse business.

It’s how we’ve become Australia’s biggest and best piano retailer with so many happy customers. But it’s also worth noting, we’ve been in the musical instrument industry since 1962, and remain a family owned business doing our very best for each and every customer. Including being honest.

Opening a store with an almost identical name in an almost identical location has the potential to mislead customers, and goes against everything we aim to do at Australian Piano Warehouse. It’s not something we’d do ourselves, and it’s not something we want happening to our customers.

For the record, we remain the only authorised Yamaha Piano Retailer in Willoughby, have more than fifty years of experience in the musical instrument business, and carry the full range of Yamaha pianos, including everything from beginner uprights right through to premium hand made grand pianos.

By all means shop around, but if you want the range, service and value that’s made us Australia’s Number One Piano Retailer and don’t want to be misled, make sure you choose the name you can trust: the Australian Piano Warehouse.